Show Assembly As Part In Indented BOM In SOLIDWORKS

SOLIDWORKS indented BOMs typically display all components within assemblies and subassemblies in detail. This is, after all, the intended functionality of indented BOMs.

Sometime when we use a standard assembly component item in SOLIDWORKS for creating model which is a bought out and SOLIDWORKS consider that as a assembly and it will list all the part in that assembly in indented BOM. Since it is a bought out item our requirement will be it need to appear as  a single part in our BOM

If we save that assembly as part and use it in the assembly all the kinematic motion will be loss and we can’t use the motion in the assembly

Let me insert a assembly to the assembly and then take the BOM for example.

In this case the hydraulic cylinder line item number 6 is a brought our item, and we need it as single line item, lets seen how we can do it in this blog

Open the assembly of the hydraulic cylinder and then go to configuration
Select and right click on the configuration
In the Bill of Materials options, you’ll find “Show” selected by default. Choose “Hide” instead. Hide option will hide all the part in this assembly BOM and it will show as a single part in BOM.
Now Let me insert this part to the assembly and then take the BOM for example.
The hydraulic cylinder line item number 6 is a brought our item, and it is still an assemble with all the constrain and motion and it will show as a single line item in assembly indented BOM.
Hope this blog is useful for all, apply this in your BOM creating and simplify your work

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